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H-conomy 1th master_0628 0000399601ms
H-conomy 1th master_0410 0000201737ms
H-conomy 1th master_0410 0000364794ms
H-conomy 1th master_0410 0000427053ms
H-conomy 1th master_0628 0000140141ms
H-conomy 1th master_0628 0000066067ms
H-conomy 1th master_0410 0000020684ms
H-conomy 1th master_0628 0000010269ms
H-conomy 2편 마스터_1208 0000349422ms
H-conomy 2편 색보정1 0000142748ms
H-conomy 2편 마스터_1208 0000296724ms
H-conomy 2th master_0410 0000064064ms
H-conomy 2th master_0410 0000030556ms
H-conomy 2th master_0410 0000182182ms
H-conomy 2편 마스터_1208 0000008509ms
H-conomy 2편 마스터_1208 0000276028ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000130998ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000345446ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000267535ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000257525ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000211345ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000143010ms
H-conomy 3th master_0628 0000059060ms
H-conomy 3th master_0416 0000022286ms
H-conomy 4th master_0410 0000311942ms
H-conomy 4th master_0410 0000318351ms
H-conomy 4th master_0410 0000022030ms
H-conomy 4th master_0410 0000072992ms
H-conomy 4th master_0410 0000149382ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000176042ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000182048ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000286152ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000294160ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000011070ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000257904ms
H-conomy 5th master_0410 0000166032ms
​현대 수소전기차 홍보 바이럴
제작년도 : 2019

· 고  객  사 : 현대자동차 그룹

· 제작편수 : 5편

·​ 제작목적 : 수소전기차에 대한 대국민 홍보

· 제작방식 : 촬영 + 모션그래픽 + 자료편집

· 담        당 : 기획/연출, 시나리오, 촬영, 모션그래픽, 디지털색보정, 사운드

#301, Nambusunhwan-ro 2457

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

T.02-3471-5656 / F.02-3471-5659



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